Wooden Log Steps

Treated Log Steps

American Pole & Timber wood poles and pilings come treated or untreated and “wet” or kiln dried. They are used in applications ranging from utility poles, to house pilings and columns, to retaining wall pilings, and ropes and challenge courses. You can also take advantage of our custom manufacturing services to get exactly the length, cut, or shape you need. We can supply almost any size or class of treated poles or treated pilings you need.

All of our poles and pilings treated .60 pcf or greater are kiln dried before treating to ensure maximum penetration of the preservative.

Benefits of Treated Wood Steps

  • Treated Poles and treated pilings have long life spans due to reduced heartwood exposure.
  • They can be sanded, stained, or painted to match existing decor.
  • Treated poles and pilings are stronger and suffer less warping than dimensional timbers.
  • Long life span and superior strength make treated poles and pilings very cost effective.
  • American Pole & Timber can produce solid NO-TAPER poles – call 800-716-0636.
  • Polymer wood coating can significantly increase the longevity of any pole or piling.